Genetically modified

Created on:2021-04-14 15:54

the "Genetically Modified" column of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the relevant definition of "genetically modified" in the regulations,genetically modified food refers to food processed and produced using genetically modified organisms or organisms as raw materials.
The supervision of genetically modified food is mainly divided into two stages in China. The first stage is the management of genetically modified food raw materials (that is, genetically modified organisms); the second stage is the management of genetically modified food labeling.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is the main department in the first stage of genetically modified food supervision. It is responsible for the supervision and management of the safety of agricultural genetically modified organisms nationwide, and adopts a safety evaluation system for genetically modified organisms. The safety assessment work is under the responsibility of the Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety Committee. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has established an agricultural genetically modified organisms safety management office to be responsible for the management of agricultural genetically modified organisms safety evaluation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration are jointly responsible for the management of the second stage of genetically modified food supervision, that is, the labeling of genetically modified food. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for formulating relevant regulations on genetically modified labels and supervising the labeling of genetically modified animals and plants (including seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry), microorganisms, genetically modified animals and plants/microbial products, etc.; the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration is responsible for genetically modified processed food Identity management.
In addition, the General Administration of Customs participates in the first and second stages of supervision and is responsible for the inspection and quarantine management of inbound and outbound genetically modified products across the country. The competent customs is responsible for the inspection, quarantine, and supervision and management of inbound and outbound genetically modified products in its jurisdiction, as well as the supervision and management of agricultural genetically modified products in transit. Implement a licensing system.
Currently, under the food review system of the NHC, genetically modified food have not yet been included in the supervision of noval food ingredients. The import and export of genetically modified food need to be reviewed jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, NHC and General Administration of Customs.OCI will assist you in matters related to the import of genetically modified foods.